So I got an ultrasound yesterday, was just supposed to get a heart beat check but I still haven’t gained any weight (which seems impossible because my bra has gained at least 5 pounds alone!) so they wanted to see how they are doing. Apparently, it is possible my weight is just shifting and it’s okay that I’m treading right now but I need to start slowly gaining. So to aide in that I am now on anti-nausea medication to help me keep my vitamins and food down. It really works. I woke up last night when it wore off feeling sick to my stomach. It was within 5 minutes of the 8 hour wear off. How crazy is that!?!
I got to see the little pumpkins (we’ll stick with the fall theme for now) and they look fabulous! They were kicking away. Actually pumpkin 1 was doing bicycle kicks like crazy. It was really cute! P1 seems to have long legs, but I’m not sure if was just the position of the ultrasound or not. P2 was on the bottom and I could see the heart really well. Pumpkin’s little heart is working away. Sigh of relief! Dr. Moore said that they love all the hormones that are making me so sick and that’s why they were dancing. J
My blood test results are great. No gestational diabetes at this time and everything else was great, too! We go next Wednesday morning for my Twins Ed class and another ultrasound at the specialist. I’m excited to start seeing the specialist. I’ll feel better knowing I’ve got an expert on twins keeping an eye on things.