
Friday, December 30, 2011

12/30/11 4:10pm

Well it is official, I (Micah) am writing this update from room 4173 at Evergreen Hospital.  Shelly has spent the day being poked, prodded, tested and poked some more.  We are now here until we get to meet our new little boys.  The doctors don't like the blood flow in baby A's brain so they are watching him like a hawk.  Shelly will be spending the coming days, weeks and months(hopefully) with microphones on her belly listening to the babies heartbeats.  Her room is nice and large and she would love visitors.  Her nurse said for her to invite her friends over for wine party for the Bachelor season opener this Monday.  I will be bouncing between the hospital, home and work.  I would like to thank everyone for offering help with childcare and food.  Being that this is day 1 I am not really sure what we need yet but Susan Gillespie is the self appointed "Help Planner" (Susan likes to be in charge) so she will be doing the coordinating.  Thanks Susan. 
Grayson and Asher are taking it well so far but it is going to take some getting used to.  I am sure they would love to be taken to see Mommy as much as possible so feel free to invite them along for the ride if you are visiting Shelly.
Thanks again for all the prayers and offers of help.  We have great friends and family.

We will keep you posted as things change.  Feel free to send Shelly a text, she has her phone.


Wednesday, December 28, 2011


So I had another appointment today here's the break down....

Baby B now weighs 1 lb 13 oz. He gained 8 oz. over the past two weeks! Everything on him looks fabulous! He just needs to keep up the good work.

Baby A now weighs 1 lb. 1 oz. He gained 4 oz. over the past two weeks! I was proud of my little guy's growth. He's working so hard! Unfortunately, he has to work so hard. Blood flow in his brain is starting to show that his little body is working really hard to compensate for the uneven blood flood from the umbilical cord...this isn't a good sign. Dr. Walker scheduled another appointment for me on Friday where unless there is a miracle (pray for one!) I will be admitted to the hospital. They will admit me to keep a close eye on my boys to make sure that A doesn't get too stressed out. As soon as he starts showing signs of distress I will be rushed in for a c-section. I will stay in the hospital until the boys are born. Pray for a long stay. I want these little ones to cook as long as possible! Pray for health for both of the boys. And pray for the boys I will be leaving at home (all 3 of them!).

So if you offered to help it looks like now is the time I'll need it. We're trying to figure out schedules for the boys so if you can help please let me know! It's greatly appreciated!!!!!

Lots of Love,

Thursday, December 1, 2011

12/1/11 11:47am

So here is the latest news about the twins…

Baby A is now 9 oz. and has had good growth over the past two weeks. Everything still looks good on him and he’s moving around like crazy. Baby B is 14 oz. and as healthy as can be. Thankfully, he’s no longer double his brother’s size. Every week both of the boys give the ultrasound tech a hard time by moving every time they try to measure something. Typical Dolen boys!

I still need to go weekly to see Dr. Walker to keep a close eye on Baby A’s growth. I was hoping to be able to cut back a little because it’s getting REALLY expensive. Pray that our insurance will cover more.

Dr. Walker said that after the holidays the babies will be considered viable. We don’t want them out that soon because it still would be really dangerous, but technically they could survive. So after the holidays I have to bring a packed bag to every appt. just in case Baby A’s growth slows. If his growth slows they would immediately hospitalize me to keep a closer watch on the babies and if the growth stops I would go in for an emergency C-section. Now, I don’t want any part of any of this so pray that none of this needs to happen!

Over all, they are doing the best they possibly can given the circumstances. I’m getting bigger by the day it feels like. My last day of work is on Dec. 16th. Originally, I thought it was ridiculous that I would be out so soon, but this week I’ve been getting really tired and it’s getting harder and harder to complete simple tasks like putting my shoes on. It’s hard for me to see so many things that I “need” to do around the house, but not have the energy to do any of them. I just need to forget the to do list and focus on rest which isn’t so easy for this girl to do! Something else to pray about. J

Hope you all are doing well! Thanks for caring about me and the boys!
