
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 91 update...

1st hands!
Somewhere I got off count....ahh my brain foils me once again! Blush....Kell is now 38 weeks not 39, but he's still 91 days so I did get that right. Keller went on his first walk yesterday. A lactation nurse had recommended using a Moby wrap until he gets bigger (at 7 lbs. 4 oz. today it won't be long until he is BIG!) and has more body control to use the Ergo. Moby's are a little tough to get the hang of so I'm getting some Moby lessons here in the NICU. After my first lesson we took Kell for a little spin around the NICU. The lactation nurse pushed the oxygen tank and carried a portable monitor and I carried Kell in the Moby. It was another terrifyingly awesome experience! I was so afraid to take my hands off of Kell that the nurse kept pulling my hands down and telling me to relax my shoulders. It was hard to do, but I did it! We went to visit Dr. Lawson and Kell's old hall then back to our hall and down to the big window so Kell could see that there is a world outside of the NICU. It was kind of a big deal.
Today I was warned today that if the unit fills up again with level 3 babies we will be bumped into the other hall. (I think of it as the graduation hall.) Kell is now considered a level 2 baby and if all goes as planned he should be going home sometime in April. Just incase you weren't's APRIL!!! So we're talking this month! WHAT!?! I just can't believe it! It's so exciting to think that I'll have all my boys under one roof, but also a little nerve racking thinking of what Kell's needs could be. But I'm not thinking ahead, I'm not thinking's mantra.
Overall, today was a good day and I'm thankful for the blessing!

Lots of Love,

His feeds have once again been upped so he's now at 65cc. I'm praying my production will keep up with his demand.
Healing of his eyes.
His hernia is starting to bug him more often so while this kind isn't supposed to heal itself let's pray for a miracle or at the very least comfort.
For his overall development is typical...mentally, emotionally, physically.
For the adjustment our family will go through as the "big day" arrives....smooth transition, happy Dolen boys that feel loved and secure, an energetic Mama and Daddy to keep up with all the demands of life in the Dolen Household.

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