
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Happy 29 Weeks

Update from Shelly...

Happy 29 weeks Skyler & Keller! I'm so thrilled that we are inching our way to the thirties! Praise God everyone had an uneventful/ good night! I feel so blessed and grateful for another day with my boys. Skyler is off the dopamine he was on for his kidneys. He has "good urine output" and they had dropped the dopamine dose down so low that they didn't really think it was doing anything anyways. I haven't gotten to look at him yet. His nurse is not very mom friendly (actually both the nurses aren't and unfortunately they were here yesterday, too) and prefers that I stay on my little bench and not speak. It makes it hard for me because my boys love my comfort holds and our little chats. You can see it in their numbers and the other nurses and respiratory therapists have commented on how well they do with me. I try to keep in mind that everyone has their own way of doing things and hand it off to God but sometimes it gets under my skin...especially when it comes to Keller. 

He's feeling much better today and is a little wiggle worm. He loves to be talked to and touched. I've been watching his numbers all morning and it's like he's calling out to me. During his "cares" (diaper change, blood gases taken, etc) the respiratory therapist told me that his eyes were open so I went over and talked to him. Kell got excited to hear my voice and gripped my finger. Once Doug was out the room, the nurse told me that I needed to put the blanket back over the isolette and let him rest for the day. Bummer! But I'm glad I got to sneak in a little time. Maybe when Doug comes back I can sneak in a little more. I don't want to rock the boat with the nurses. They are caring for my precious babies after all, but it's really hard to watch from the bench. It makes me really appreciate the other nurses (especially Glenda who goes above and beyond) who make me feel apart of the process instead of a spectator. But today is a good day and I'll do my best to be the best silent bench sitter that I can be. I'm sending out lots of love energy to the boys and I hope they are able to soak it up.

Lots of Love,

Monday, January 30, 2012

Riding the vent

Hospital time is a little different than regular time....I was told that a decision would be made this afternoon about Sky's surgery and at 8 pm we found out that Sky will not being having surgery. The team at Children's feels that the risks for Sky far out weigh the benefits of the surgery. They did report that this is a dynamic situation so it can change at any time and so they will be keeping a close eye on Skyler. It's nice to know that so many wonderful doctors on his case. We asked the neonatologist what the next step is and he gave us a sad laugh and said the next step is to wait some more. So we're praying while we continue to wait. 

Our prayers for Sky tonight are for healing of his lungs, a sense of peace so he can rest without needing morphine, for his fighting spirit to fight with the doctors instead of against, for a good night tonight, and a good day tomorrow.

Keller has spent the day pretty tuckered out. He was "riding the vent" (that is the actual term the nurses use when they let the vent do all the work...I swear I didn't make this one up.) all morning and starting doing some breathing on his own in the afternoon. He breathes on his own for a little while, gets tired, rides the vent, then repeats. He's all snuggled in on his side with one arm draped over the side of the "horseshoe" (a horseshoe shaped pillow that they put around the babies to give them a sense of confinement and security) very casually. He looks so sweet and relaxed. I didn't take a picture because I don't want to disturb him. He needs his rest. 

Our prayers for him tonight are for continued rest, healing for his lungs, a good night, a good day tomorrow, and some Kangaroo Care soon.

Micah and I are going to head home now. It's been another exhausting day.

Thanks so much for all of your prayers!
Lots of Love,

Day by day

Monday morning update from Shelly...

So far today has been less dramatic than yesterday was. Before we left yesterday both the boys decided they would team up against poor Micah and me and were both having problems. Kell just couldn't keep up his breathing on his own and had to be put back on the vent. He's still recovering from the deep decels he had while one the CPAP machine. He's just now starting to breathe a little on his own, he spent the morning letting the vent take over. He's really tired today and has had some dips here and there. I am praying that he will begin to feel better this afternoon and have a good day of recovery.

While Sky is doing better today than he was yesterday, he still isn't doing well. He's been all over the map and I just pray that he will begin to heal quickly. A cardiologist from Children's came today around 12:30 to assess Sky's PDA and overall condition. There is a procedure that they can do to close up the PDA, however, due to Sky's overall health it's considered very risky. The big question is how great is the risk and does it out weigh the benefits? They are going to discuss it as a team at Children's and then let me know this afternoon.

Pray for miracles!

Lots of Love,

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Taking turns

I have to say that my little boys are gifted in the area of taking turns. They are never both in crisis, just one at a time. Today is Sky's turn while yesterday was Keller's day.

I'll start with Keller, who praise God, is having a better day today. Friday morning at 9am Kell's dream of being off the vent came true. He was put back on to the CPAP machine & was a very happy camper. He was doing a fabulous job on the CPAP & I was able to hold him for two hours. The CPAP offers less support than the vent so it's much more work to breathe but for about 24 hrs Kell was breathing like a champ. Unfortunately, he began getting tired and kept forgetting to breathe causing big dips in his heart rate and oxygen in-take. It was so heartbreaking watching my little guy struggle to breathe knowing how much he would hate being put back on the vent. My mom and I spent the day in the NICU watching his monitors display his roller coaster ride. Thankfully, in the early evening he began to recover and has been able to stay on the CPAP. Today he's doing much better and I pray that he continues to heal.

On Friday night, Skyler managed to get his vent tube out giving the night nurses a run for their money. Thankfully, they were easily able to get his tube back into place quickly and easily and Sky handled it really well. Saturday he had a good day. We came into the NICU as a family today greeted by Dr. Beckstrom, both of the nurses, the respiratory therapist, the charge nurse, and someone else that I'm not actually sure what she does. My heart immediately sunk knowing that they all weren't there to welcome us. Sky is now up on the highest vent setting and the Dr informed us that it's coming to a point where there isn't really much more support that they can offer him. There is a procedure that needs to be done to close up his PDA but he isn't sure that it can be done now due to Sky's poor condition. I washed up & did comfort hold while giant silent tears dropped on top of his isolette. Both the big boys asked me why I was crying and I explained that Sky was not feeling good today and it makes Mommy sad for him. I can only imagine what is going through their minds right now.

Please pray for all of us because this well, frankly really sucks and is hard. Pray for healing for Sky and Kell. Pray that God scoops up Asher & Gray extra tight and gives their little hearts comfort and peace. Pray that Micah and I continue to lean into God and allow Him to carry us through this. 

Lots of Love,

Friday, January 27, 2012

28 & 3

Update from Shelly....

My babies are three weeks old today! While I can't believe that they are already three weeks (28 weeks gestationally) it seems like a lifetime ago I was pregnant wondering how long I would be able to carry them hoping to make it 28 weeks. So things didn't quite turn out as I had hoped but the fact that I am greatly blessed is not lost on me. They say that crisis can bring the best or worst out of people and we have been SO incredibly blessed with the best. The best family, friends, and community ready to help with anything and everything with loving support and tons of prayer. We have been so grateful for all of the meals, it has been so nice to not have to worry about what's for dinner each night. So thank you!!!

Here's how the twins celebrated 28 & 3 today:

Skyler: The doctors are puzzled by Skyler's urine output. Thankfully, today his output was good (he went so much his diaper leaked causing him to soak his bed) and this caused his abdominal swelling to shrink back down to normal size. He looked great today!!! He's been restful all day even with his sedation meds down a little more today. While the nurses were getting him all situated again after his bed linen change I got to hold his little foot and talk to him with the isolette cover off. He gripped my finger with his little monkey toes and opened his eyes to look at me while I chatted away. The nurse and I were both pleasantly surprised at how much Skyler liked this especially after the position change and handling that came with the bed change, we all know how much Sky loves to be messed with! His numbers were fabulous while we were having our moment...ahhh such a gift!!

Skyler 3 Weeks

Keller: The little big man is feeling really good with his new vent settings. He has been crazy active all day! I spent the afternoon trying to get him to take a nap. He only slept for about 45 minutes after about an hour of comfort hold. I hope this isn't going to be the way he always naps because this mama loves her naps! They are hoping to switch him over to the CPAP machine tomorrow and I hope it works out well. Kell is really done with the whole tube thing and it would be so awesome for him to not have to have the vent tube down his throat. I'm looking forward to some Kangaroo Care tomorrow. His nurse asked me just as I was about to leave for the day if I wanted to hold him and I had to sadly say I couldn't. His big brother, Grayson, has his school concert tonight and I couldn't miss it. Such a difficult thing to turn down but tomorrow I'll for sure be able to say yes!!!

Keller 3 Weeks

As for the big boys....

Grayson and I went on a mini date last night. I got home so late after getting to hold Keller and waiting for worst of the traffic to be over so we only had 15 minutes before Starbucks closed. I offered to take him to another place but we have history at Starbucks (before Asher was born we used to have coffee dates every Friday morning) and Gray wanted to stay there. Even though the time was short Gray was thrilled with the time we had just the two of us. Always, the little chatter (where does he get that from!?!) I got filled in on all the haps of the 4th grade world. We both agree that we need to make this a regular thing.
Asher is carrying around twin stuffed penguins calling them his brothers. It's so fun to watch him proudly carry his "little brothers" around the house practicing his big brother skills. I guess he'll be ready to go when Sky & Kell make it home!

Thanks so much for all of your prayers and keep them coming!

Lots of love,

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Kangaroo Care

Update from Shelly...

Keller's Feet

Skyler's foot

On Monday morning when I arrived in the NICU Glenda had a surprise for me. Keller had gotten a little crafty and made his hand & footprints. Skyler had already done his foot prints the day after he was born (Also done with Glenda. How fabulous is she!?!) so we were just missing Kell's. Our whole family is completely in love with them. We keep them in little ziplocks so the big boys can hold and look at them, too.

Keller's Hands

Yesterday was a very special day, I got to hold one of my babies for the first time!! Keller was being a wild man, trying to turn his head (not a good idea with a vent tube in), face planting into his bed, and flailing his arms and legs around. I was giving Keller some "comfort" to try to keep him from doing any more tricks when Glenda (Keller's nurse today. She's actually been with one of the boys since they arrived almost three weeks ago! Wow time flies!!) walked in with a grin and asked me if I was ready to do Kangaroo Care. I of course said, "Yes!" but in my quiet NICU voice. (No loud noises are aloud in here.) While Glenda and Tony (yesterday's respitory therapist) prepped Keller I quick called Karen (Micah's mom who happens to work about 5 minutes from here) to come and capture the moment.
Oh joy! I felt like I was given a valium once my little guy was on my chest. I felt so relaxed and couldn't stop myself from smiling. Keller loved cuddling with me which was a huge blessing. Not all babies respond well to Kangaroo Care, but Kell stayed with me for an hour and twenty five minutes just calm as can be. I have to say it was the best hour and twenty five minutes I've had in a really long time. I feel so grateful for our quality time today and look forward to the day when Sky and I can have some time, too.

Skyler's report:
Skyler has had a hard time with his urine output. He went for about 9 hrs yesterday without peeing....not good. The Dr. decided it was time for a catheter, he was all prepped and ready to go when Skyler peed. (As I was typing this he started going potty again! Praises!!!) Once again saving himself from the catheter just in the nick of time. They just aren't sure why Sky is having such little urine output. Dr. Lawson is conferring with a urologist from Children's and they decided to put baking soda in his feeds times a day to help with his acid balance. They are also going to change the human milk fortifier that is added to his feedings to a potassium free version. He'll get all the extra calories he was getting before only without any extra potassium since he has such a high level of potassium already. Over all, he's been really restful which is just what he needs. They are going to wean him off the extra amount of ativan that they gave him Tuesday and work on getting him off of it all together. Fingers crossed!! 

Lots of Love,

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Redefining date night!

Update from Shelly -

Micah and I are redefining date night! We now have Tuesday night date nights which includes dinner & NICU parent support group. Last night we really went a little crazy and added a trip to Costco. As odd as it sounds we actually enjoyed our Costco trip (yes, even Micah!) because it felt like a little slice of normalcy. After our Costco run and a bite to eat at Tutta Bella we headed back to Evergreen for our meeting only to discover that they had canceled the meeting. Oh well, it just gave us a little extra time with the twins and we got to meet one of the "new to us" doctors. Apparently, the neonatologists are on a rotation between here and other NICU's like Swedish so now we have a new group of doctors to meet and get to know. Dr. Beckstrom is really nice and we are glad to have him on board.

In the morning, Sky had two ultra sounds one looking at his kidneys and the other looking at his brain. Now Sky is NOT a fan of being handled so this did not start his day off on the right foot. He's on a ventilator which constantly vibrates making it really hard for the ultra sound tech to get what she needed so both ultra sounds took way longer than they should have. The longer it took the more upset Sky was, the more upset Sky was, the less helpful he was, and the less helpful he was, the longer it took. Nasty little cycle. Finally the nurse took him off the vent and hand bagged his air so the ultra sounds could be completed. He spent the rest of the day upset that he had been messed with so much. Skyler has been on two sedatives morphine & ativan that they had started to wean him off of, but after his rough day they upped his dose of ativan a little to help him calm down. Thankfully, he wasn't having any major swings when I left to meet Micah for our "date". When we got back to the hospital Dr. Beckstrom was able to give us the results of the ultra sounds which were both good. There still is no change with the blood in his brain which is a good sign. They are expecting for his body to take care of  the blood over the next couple of weeks, but they will still keep an eye on it. Due to his decreased urine output they wanted to get an ultra sound of his kidneys to make sure there weren't any blood clots. Praise God, there weren't! A highlight for both of us (I like to think it was as much of a gift to Sky as it was to me) was that Sky held my finger for the first time.

Keller had a morning chest x-ray which showed that he wasn't ready for the CPAP machine again and needed more time on the vent. They decided to give him a round of steroids to help his lungs mature. The Dr. is guessing that he needs another 48-72 hours on the vent before he's ready to make the transition. I got to spend a little close time with Kell again. He smells deliciously like a newborn and I was soaking it up while giving him kisses on the top of his head. As always he was still very responsive to me and his little eyes pop open to say hello when I talk to him and just like Sky he held my finger for the first time yesterday afternoon. Dr. Beckstrom shared that he was pleasantly surprised at how well Keller has been doing given that he was the larger twin. Typically, the bigger twin that was receiving all of the extra blood is a lot sicker so that in itself is another blessing to count.

A high and low for us last night was that both boys were comfortably sleeping during Micah's visit. We were thrilled that both boys were resting but that meant that Micah didn't get to see alert Kell in all of his glory. 

Lots of Love,

Monday, January 23, 2012

Blue Sky

I just talked to Shelly and here is the latest...

The doctors said Sky is stable and decided to reduce his morphine dose! YEAH!!

Keller is also stable and is getting caffeine to prepare for switching over to the CPAP machine possibly as early as tomorrow. He's really responsive opening his eyes every time Shelly talks to him! YEAH!!

Micah and Shelly have power again! YEAH!!

So, it's sunny and blue skies and the news today is reflecting that! But as we mentioned before...this roller coaster of a ride is still not over, so the continued prayers are appreciated!

Auntie Kylah

"The Lord is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble; And He knows those who trust in Him" (Nahum 1:7).

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Roller Coaster are NOT my thing

Update from Shelly...

I've never liked roller coasters or any sort of carnival ride. I don't like the extreme highs where you know at any moment your stomach is going to be in your throat. I can't even scream on the way down like a normal person, I just make this sad (ok a little funny) noise that is the equivalent to a large man screaming like a little girl...both equally embarrassing. Here we are on the NICU rollercoaster, riding away with no carnie in sight to let us off this wild ride.

We started off the day climbing up the track, both the boys managed to be stable all night and were actually having a good morning. Micah and I were elated.'s going to be a good day. Hey maybe we will get cell service and if I really want to dream big....the power back on! So Micah didn't really care for the later, his inner cowboy was out and the sick man was actually enjoying the outage. He loved getting the generator all hooked up and the fun that came with roughing it. I DID NOT. I was starting to get angry about A. having to get Micah up a couple of times a night to start the generator so I could pump and then B. having to start up the BBQ so I could boil water to clean all the pump parts afterwards. I usually take these outages in stride knowing that it's part of living where we live but it was just another dip in this not so fun ride that I didn't want to be on. God could see that I was starting to crack so He sent a little message to our good friends the Spears. Mitch and Autumn had arranged for us to stay at the Fairmont in Seattle for the night. They along with our other good friends the Hawkins were staying there and would be willing to watch the boys while we visited the twins. Gray, Ash, and I all jumped at the chance to get out and stay at a hotel but I could see Micah was torn. I think knowing that I was on the brink of my own state of emergency made him leave his saddle behind and head west to the big city.

As Micah and I were walking hand-in-hand down University to Starbucks, we were both giddy having just left two happy boys at the hotel pool with our fabulous friends. It was a gorgeous day in Seattle and had we not been fueling up with caffeine to head into the NICU it would have been a really fun mini date.
As we walked into Skyler and Keller's room, Keller's nurse immediately left to get the neonatologist so he could update us...never a good sign...down we go. Stomachs firmly lodged in our throats we braced ourselves to see how low this dip was going to go....

Literally, seconds after talking to us on the phone this afternoon Sky's nurse did a feed suck (not quite a medical term but after each feeding they suction our the boys tummies to measure how much is being digested) and discovered blood in his tummy. Stomach bleeding is not considered normal so they quickly did a white blood cell & platelet count as well as an x-ray all of which came back with good results. This has been puzzling to the team and they are working hard to try to figure out why he's bleeding. They have decided to give him some antibiotics to see if it helps. The doctors do not like giving babies antibiotics because they want babies to use their own immunities and they don't want any bacteria or infections to come back stronger but at this point giving antibiotics is the best option. Back at the bottom of the ride listening to how sick our little boy is.

We did get a little high with Keller who not only had a good night but kept going through out the day. He is awaiting the blood for his transfusion which should be arriving any minute. He's going to be temporarily fasting during his transfusion but they are expecting for him to get right back on to his feeds with no problem. Kell loves his food and has been doing really great with all of this feedings. We are so blessed that he is doing well right now.


Keller's bum!

So as we continue on our ride as terrified as I am, I know that God has his hand on all of us and will guide us through. Thanks to everyone that is praying for our sweet boys here in the NICU and the ones at home with us.

Lots of Love,

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Snowmagedon in our way...

I just talked to Shelly and this is what she told me:

Keller's PDA treatment went well and his murmer is a lot quieter, which is good! He is back on half his feeding and by tomorrow should be on full feedings. He opened his eyes for the first time today while Shelly was talking to him so that was special. They also took the top off of his bed so Shelly got to be really close to him, touch him, and give him kisses! Here is a video my mom took of their interaction with Keller! It's hard to hear, but Shelly is singing "I get so emotional" by Whitney Houston...then she did get emotional and the nurse handed her a tissue. Precious moment!

Sky is still heavily sedated, but has been stable today. They need to keep him still so he doesn't use too much energy moving around so the medicine can do it's work. Keep the prayers coming for him.
Mom & Dad looking in on Sky

Micah and Shelly made it to the hospital today, but are heading home. They have no power, phone, or cell service. I have been instructed that if anything happens to Sky the hospital is going to call me. I'm trying to keep the updating coming as fast as I get them as I know everyone is on their toes.

Thanks again for all the prayers...they are needed and much appreciated!!!

Love to all,
-Auntie Kylah

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Skyler in need

Auntie Kylah reporting here. I just got an update from Shelly. She's trying to handle this the best she can and asked that I post an update as soon as I could. So here we go.

Shelly talked to the Dr. today and Sky is still struggling. The Dr. said he's the sickest baby they've had in a long time. They are doing their best to keep him stable, but they are stopping his feedings for now as they are concerned about his ability to handle them due to all the drugs they are having to use to keep him stable. We're hoping he has an OK night.

Keller is taking the PDA treatment well and overall is still doing good.

My heart aches for these boys and Shelly as due to the snow she hasn't been able to be with them. I know God is watching and has things under control, but this is an emotional journey. Your continued prayers are amazing and I can't believe all the love and support we are getting! Thanks again and please keep it up.

Auntie Kylah

More Prayers for our boys

Update from Shelly....

Yesterday the boys were 27 weeks gestationally...sorry no wasn't a picture taking sort of day. The big boys had a snow day and they spent the day playing outside until they couldn't take the cold any longer, coming in to defrost, and then going out again.

Around 2:30 I got a call from the neonatologist saying that Skyler was really sick. They had him up on a high level of oxygen and it wasn't helping. His little lungs were working really hard and were now inflamed. So they were going to take him off of the ventilator that he was on and put him on the highest level ventilator that they have. He also wanted permission to give Sky steroids to help his lungs grow. He warned that there are possible brain development side effects, however, he felt like it was worth the chance because Sky wasn't going to be able to make it without the steroids. So of course, I said go ahead. Not a fun choice to have to make but a necessary one. 

Keller was continuing to do well, but his PDA was getting really loud and since he was doing so well with his feedings the doctor thought it was time to take him off his feedings to prepare for the PDA treatment which will happen today.

After I got off the phone with the doctor I made a tearful call to Micah to have him come home and take me to see the boys. Mike (Micah's dad) met us on the way to take Ash & Gray back to our house so we could go alone and be there for Sky. When we arrived to Sky & Kell's room I broke down looking at little Sky as we waited for the neonatologist to come in and explain to us what was happening. Apparently, Sky had been very feisty, looking around, grabbing his tubes and wires, and not cooperating with the nurses or doctor at all. He was so focused on moving around that he wasn't able to pay attention to his breathing. They had to give him a paralytic to paralyze him so they could help him. As soon as they paralyzed him they were able to turn the oxygen way down and he stabilized. The doctor was actually really surprised at how well he did. He was expecting more drama throughout the evening. When we arrived Sky was still paralyzed and they were waiting for it to wear off. As soon as it wore off he began moving his arms, and kicking his legs. He had his eye open just a little slit and while he looked at me we had a little chat about being a good boy and letting the nurses and doctors do their job. They gave him a sedative to keep him calm and make him a little sleepy. As soon as he was relaxed again, Micah and I both feel asleep. I think we both were worn out from all the drama. Thankfully, the nurse on duty last night is very familiar with our boys and will take excellent care of Sky. Pray, pray, pray that it was a good night for both of them.


Monday, January 16, 2012

A busy weekend!

The weekend update from Shelly!

The Big Boys: Micah and his dad took the boys up to the mountains on Friday for their lessons. Both of the boys had a great time and were exhausted when they got home. Asher informed me that if you don't listen at ski lessons the teachers make you clean toilets and he does NOT want to do that. He's seen me clean toilets and it doesn't look like fun. Sounds like his teachers are having a little fun messing with the kids. With the boys on the mountain a few of my girlfriends came over for a girl's night. It was really nice to chat it up with some good friends. On Saturday night, Micah, Asher, & Gray went to Monster Jams (for those that aren't familiar with Monster Jams it's the monster truck show and I'm sure the people watching was AMAZING). Asher had the time of his life! He's already such a little gear head and Micah couldn't be prouder. While the boys were geeking out over the huge air the Grave Digger was getting off the jumps, a really good friend came over to hang out with me so it was another fabulous evening for me as well. On Sunday, the boys played out in the snow (Gray stayed out even after it had gotten dark.) as soon as we got home from visiting the twins. They are loving the snow and want more. I'm hoping that we're not going to get too much more. It makes it more of a challenge to get in to see the twins and I would hate to go a day without seeing them.

And now for the baby update...
Both of the boys seem to dislike the nights. They seem to be at their worst over the night and do much better during the day. Hopefully, they'll turn that around and have good days and nights.

Skyler: had his PDA treatment and while the Dr. didn't think it was really working at first we got news yesterday that the treatment actually worked really well and the opening is smaller. They will monitor it to see if it will continue closing or if he will need another treatment. Overall, Sky is having a harder time right now. He isn't wanting to be touched or moved and is on small doses of morphine to try to keep him calm and comfortable. It's hard to see him so agitated. On Sunday during our visit I was talking to him and he opened his eye. (He was on his side so I couldn't see his other eye to see if both opened or not.) It was SO awesome!!! I got really excited and continued to talk to him and he looked at me again. The nurses said it was the first time he opened his eye and I feel so honored that he chose me for that special moment. Poor Micah was out of the room with the big boys and missed the whole thing.


Keller: is our big eater! He's now up to 16 cc every 3 hours. This is quite a jump and we couldn't be more thrilled! He's feeling a lot better and is moving around a lot more. He's giving the nurses a run for their money by pulling on wires and tubes. They are so happy that he is feeling better they don't mind the constant bells and buzzers. Kell is really working his eye brows and seems to want to open his eyes. I can't wait to see his little eyes, too! On Saturday, I got to change Keller's diaper for the first time. He was very cooperative and again I was thrilled to have to chance to do it. Remind me of that when I'm up to my ears in diaper changes when both boys are home.They are talking about removing his PICC line because he is doing so well right now and so it is not being used. Apparently, it is better to take it  out and have to replace it later than leave it in. Leaving it in increases the chances for infection.


Micah & Keller

Please continue to pray for our little guys...we still have many weeks ahead of us.

Lots of Love,

Friday, January 13, 2012

Starbucks for babies?

Another update from Shelly!

We had our first "team meeting" yesterday morning with everyone who works with Skyler and Keller. These meetings give us a chance to hear what everyone has to say about the twins progress and thankfully we will have a team meeting every Thursday. We feel so blessed that we get to sit down with everyone weekly and have our questions answered. So here is the break down from yesterday:

Sky: had a blood transfusion. He has only 2 oz. of blood in his entire body so every time they do a blood draw on him it's a big deal. The doctor said it's neither good or bad it's just part of being so little and Keller will probably need one too at some point. They decided to start treating his PDA as well. Apparently, he's ready to handle the treatment side effects. They have stopped his feedings for yesterday and today for his transfusion and PDA treatment so I'm preparing his favorite dishes for Saturday!
He'll have another head ultra sound next week. The doctor said the worst of the bleeding in the brain happens the first few days of life and Skyler's bleeding was low grade and they do not expect anymore to occur. So what they're watching for is how Sky's body handles the blood. And so far it looks good. Oh and I've now gone pro with changing Sky's poopy diapers. It's still thrilling and I can't wait for the days at home when I'm tired of changing all of the poo diapers these boys are destine to produce.

Keller: the doctor said that Mr. Keller is being a little lazy on the breathing and he wants to push him a bit more. They are planning on taking him off the vent next week and giving him a little caffeine to help him with his breathing. Just like his mama a little Starbucks is very motivating. Kell's PDA is a little louder but they are just keeping an eye on it while they focus on Sky's first.

So while all of this sounds a little bit crazy and overwhelming it is still all considered expected for babies so early.

The big boys are feeling so much better now that Micah and I are home every night. Asher promptly asks me for my daily NICU sticker each evening. He loves that they have a different colored dot on them each day. (Yesterday was red just incase you were wondering.) Both of the boys had their first snowboarding/ ski lesson last Friday and loved it. Gray is getting so good. It's amazing how far he has come from his first lesson last year. Ash did really well, too. Micah said he looked so cute out there in all of his gear. Although, Micah and his dad had to hide from him to keep him from ignoring his teachers while he ate snowballs. Once Daddy & Papa were out of sight he followed along with the class like he was supposed to. They are all looking forward to their guy time up on the mountain tonight.

Thanks for praying for all of our adorable, sweet, and amazing boys!
Lots of Love,

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Proud Momma!

This update is coming to you from a proud momma!

The official label for the boys is "Critically Stable". Both of the boys have a heart murmur called a 'PDA' which means that there is a passage way open in the heart. This opening is making the heart pump extra. The extra blood from the extra pumps is going to the lungs. Right now the boys are handling the blood just fine. At this point the neonatologists feel that the side effects out weigh the benefits from the treatment so they are just keeping a close eye on it for now.

Skyler: Over all had a good day yesterday. He's eating 4 cc every 3 hrs and is digesting his food very well. Sky had a head ultra sound at birth and then one Tuesday morning. Both ultra sounds showed some low grade blood in a fluid space in his brain. There has been no increase in blood and we're praying that this just heals itself. I got to change my first preemie diaper last night and I was SO excited! Skyler had a nice poo diaper for me. I never thought I would be so excited to change a poo diaper, but I really was! He knew I was rookie and was very helpful. After his diaper change I did what I call the comfort hold. The nurses actually call it the "confinement hold" because it confines their movement but I prefer comfort hold because it sounds nicer and it really calms them right down.

Sky getting his diaper changed

Comfort hold
Sky getting comfort hold after diaper change

Keller: Poor little guy didn't have as good of as day as his brother. Really, the past two days have been rough on him. He was on the CPAP machine but he wasn't really ready for that yet. Since he was born so early he still doesn't have a strong breathing reflex. As he matures the reflex will mature and breathing will become more natural. While he's back on a ventilator he's not requiring extra oxygen so he's breathing regular air which is a good thing. The switch from the CPAP to ventilator was good but tough for Keller. He was exhausted on Tuesday and I think that's why he was so off yesterday. Just as I was about to leave last night he started getting restless again so I did the comfort hold for about 45 minutes.  As soon I placed my hands on him he calmed right down. It was so special! It really made me feel like his mommy! Keller is eating 6 cc every 3 hrs and is also digesting his food very well. His daily intake is almost 2 oz. per day. 

Lots of Love,

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Boys meet Boys!!

Last night Grayson and Asher got to meet their brothers (who are 5 days old and would have been 26 weeks if still in the womb)! Up until last night they had only seen some pictures and heard about them. When Micah showed Asher he said "they aren't real Daddy!". Micah told him to wait and watch and he would see them move...and sure enough they did and Asher was shocked! He also saw the diapers and thought they were so funny because they were so small! The nurses were so nice to the boys, trying to help them understand everything that was going on with their brothers. They changed Sky's poopie diaper and the boys were so grossed out!

Meeting Keller!

Diapers are FUNNY!!

Meeting Sky

Nurses chatting with the boys!

As I mentioned before Keller is off the ventilator and is now on a CPAP machine (sleep apnea mask). He is working really hard to breathe on it and we're hoping this gets easier for him. Every little position change, new tube, etc is harder for Keller to take because he's doing more on his own now. Last night he got a PICC line. This is used to draw blood, give medicine, etc. This line was originally put through the umbilical cord, but now they are putting in a more permanent line. He's on his tummy now all cuddled up. He was also practicing sucking and opened his mouth so Shelly could see his little tongue. Notice below on Keller's's Micah's wedding band. It really puts in perspective how TINY these little boys are!

Keller with no breathing mask

Keller with wedding band

Sky got a new bed. He was in the one he was transported to upon delivery. They turned down the amount of oxygen he was getting and he's tolerating that well! He received his PICC line last night. The boys all together are eating about 2oz per day. The nurses are using breast milk for their feedings, which goes through a tube in their tummy. Shelly got them new mommy scented blankies. They are little squares of fabric that Shelly will tuck into her shirt to pick up her scent. Then they put the fabric in with them really close to their heads! This is supposed to help confort them and Shelly really loves that! She said it feels really good to be able to provide nourishment and comfort to her baby boys. Last night Sky was getting his diaper changed and he was getting upset and flailing around. Shelly was able to put her hands above him to create a barrier and he calmed right down. His little toes uncurled and his body relaxed. It was a special moment for Shelly!

Skyler with Micah's wedding band

Shelly calming Sky

Proud and happy momma!

Asher with a bear, who he named "Cougar"
It was a good evening and things are still progressing! The boys were excited to meet their brothers and we all look forward to the day when they will all be home together. Asher found a bear and decided to name him Cougar in memory of their cat! The boys took the news pretty hard, but Micah found some pictures they had taken and is having them printed so they can create a Cougar wall so the boys will remember him!

Until next time!
-Auntie Kylah

Monday, January 9, 2012

Two steps step back

Asher passed out on the couch!

Well, the start of another week and we have some good things to report! Shelly was discharged on Sunday and her back is feeling much better. The big boys stayed with Patrick and me over the weekend and were SO good! Grayson got his Nintendo DS back and stared at it all weekend! We took the boys to Fred Meyer to pick out a toy and Asher picked out a bag of giant bugs and a Star Wars figure. He couldn't get enough of those!! Grayson picked a Halo guy and he and Asher had fun playing together! Patrick was up with the boys on Sunday morning and made pancakes and bacon for them! I got to sleep in  a little, but joined them for breakfast! We mostly spent the day playing and eating :)

Micah called to let us know he and Shelly were heading home, so we packed the boys up to take them there as well! It was a pretty exhausting weekend...going from no kids to 2 kids takes a lot out of me.

I talked to Shelly a little this morning and she let me know that Keller is off his ventilator and is now  on a sleep apnea machine. This is a good thing! Also, the nurses are continually amazed by how tough little Sky is! Shelly is going to visit them later today and said she'd send me an update and some new pictures! So stay tuned for that!!

The sad news of the weekend is that Cougar, the Dolen family cat, was the victim of a raccoon attack and is now in cat heaven. The big boys don't know yet and Micah is trying to figure out the best way to tell them. Cougar was an amazing cat and it's another event that adds to all the emotion. Prayers for Grayson and Asher (and Micah and Shelly) that they can understand what happened. RIP Cougar...we loved you!

Happy Monday everyone,

Auntie Kylah!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Mamma Dolen

Another good day for the twins! The doctors attempted to take the respirator off of Keller, but it turns out he wasn't quite ready. Besides that the boys are still stable!

As for Shelly...she's currently in a lot of pain. She's having some trouble with her back and it's not quite clear what the pain is coming from. The doctors have given her some pain medication, but if we could all send some extra prayers her way that would be really great!

Thanks again -

Auntie Kylah

Friday, January 6, 2012

Our little miracles!!

Miracle - an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs. That is what Skyler and Keller are...miracles. And it's not just because I think so, even Dr. Walker says it's a miracle both of these little guys are alive.

So, I got the low down from Micah. Shelly was actually able to see S&K last night for a short visit, but quickly began feeling nauseous. They retired to their room and tried to get a good night sleep. Today has been another good day. Shelly got to spend some quality time with her boys and had some visitors. Micah and Shelly got to talk with Dr. Walker again today. It seems these babies are quite the hot topic...or at least their home (placenta). Dr. Walker has been studying it and showing it to other doctors because he is just amazed at what a unique setup they had. Before delivery Dr. Walker threw out an option to terminate Skyler to give Keller a better chance at staying in the womb longer. Of course this was not an option in Micah and Shelly's minds as they had faith that God would be protecting these little guys. It turns out Skyler was working off only 5% of the placenta and sharing blood supply with his brother. Skyler's blood would be pumped to Keller and then back, but only after most of the nutrients and oxygen were taken by Keller. This is why Skyler has been fighting so hard in there! After this discovery it was explained that termination of Skyler would have immediately killed Keller. Luckily, with the strong faith of Micah, Shelly, friends and family...two beautiful little angles were born yesterday.

I think we can all agree that God is playing an important part in these boys lives, but if you are still unsure...this is a picture of Keller in his incubator. Take note of the symbol that appears above his head in the burned out light bulbs....miracle!

Ok, so miracles aside...the status of the babies is good! They have had a day of stability and that's all we can keep praying for! Shelly is also doing well. All her IV's and tubes are out and she was free to shower, walk, and visit her boys. 

All in all today was a good day! While I didn't get to visit today, Patrick and I will be taking the Big Boys this weekend. I hope I can once again fill their days with fun and laughter in the midst of this crazy time!

Signing out - 

Auntie Kylah

Keller's foot 
Showing how small

Skyler's hand and his bent pinkie finger (a Dolen trait)

1/6/12 3:50pm Day 1

I know everyone is anxiously waiting the latest update! ME TOO...I can tell you that Shelly was able to see the babies today and she's had some visitors! The babies are still stable and have a day behind them!!

I am waiting for a call from Micah to get more which time I will update this post and add some more pictures!!!


-Auntie Kylah

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Hours after...

It's 7:25pm and I'm writing this from my house. I spent most of the day at the hospital helping and making sure Micah and Shelly had everything they needed! After delivery the babies went to the NICU and Micah was able to check on them a few times...coming back with good news each time. Micah was able to get some sleep and Shelly got a brief nap as well. Shelly, as always, has been an amazing woman through this whole process...never complaining, just asking for simple requests (like chap stick and filing her nails)! Around 5:30 I was able to get some food in Micah ;) It was a long day and only a few snacks was not enough for that big boy...even if he denies it. After his dinner he got authorization to have me come along to the NICU to visit Skyler and Keller.

Those little boys are just the sweetest things I have ever laid eyes on. Babies are always special, but these two are different. They are both fighting, hooked up to many tubes, under lamps, on heating pads, under plastic, and inside little incubators. Through all the tubes, tape, and everything else I could still see two precious little boys who have blessed this world! Keller is under a special light and has to wear a cover over his eyes, but printed on the cover is looks so cute! Skyler was sleeping with his hands stretched over his head...almost like he was stretching himself out...after being cooped up in the womb for 25 weeks.

We know that the first few hours (which we've passed) and days a head are the most critical. So, while they are in stable condition and looking so sweet; we are still needing as many prayers as we can get! I can honestly say this was the most emotional, spectacular, amazing day I have had in my life and I will never forget it! I'm so blessed and can't wait to continue this special bond with my new nephews!

Thanks again to all our friends and family who are keeping The Dolen Family in their thoughts and prayers and also helping out along this journey. I know I speak for them when I say "we love you!"

Micah and me before the delivery!

Until tomorrow-

Auntie Kylah

1/5/12 Happy Birthday

Keller Isaiah Dolen - 2lb 3oz

Skyler Gabriel Dolen - 1lb 7oz

This update is coming to you from Auntie Kylah. The morning started out with an ultrasound at 7:45am. They took all the stats of both babies and Dr. Walker arrived to hear the stats and take a look himself. The news was that while some things have improved waiting could have been a bad thing for Baby A. The best scenario was to deliver them today….scheduled for 9:30am. We all took a deep breath and wrapped our heads around the thought of meeting these two little boys today…and I mean little. Shelly’s been doing great through the whole process and keeping calm. We came back to the room after the ultrasound and Shelly was immediately prepped for surgery. I had the honor of being in the OR during the procedure. At 9:33am we wheeled Shelly to the OR. Micah got dressed in his scrubs first and entered the OR behind Shelly. I was prepped with my scrubs and escorted into the OR. There were about 15 people (Dr’s and Nurses) in there…so plenty of people looking out for Shelly and the babies.  There were also two beds for the twins on the other side of the room. Each twin would have about 3 nurses and a Dr to watch out for them once they arrived. Micah had a seat right next to Shelly and I was next to Micah. Once they put the curtain up and were ready for surgery, I got to stand by Shelly’s head and watch from above! From the time they started the procedure, it was only about 6 minutes until the first baby came out and another 30 seconds for the second.

At 9:55am Skyler Gabriel Dolen (1lb 7oz) and Keller Isaiah Dolen (2lb 3oz) were born at Evergreen Hospital!

It was quite miraculous to see the whole process and watch how quickly all the Dr.’s and nurses took care of the babies. The babies are now in the NICU and in stable condition. Both have heart monitors, respirators, and umbilical lines (to give nutrients). Micah has been up to see them twice and hold the foot of Keller. Shelly is doing well and just resting up.

This has been an emotional day and we’re all excited with the way things have gone so far. We can’t thank all of you enough for all the prayers and support. These little guys are going to need to keep fighting for a while longer until they are in the clear…so keep it coming!