
Monday, January 16, 2012

A busy weekend!

The weekend update from Shelly!

The Big Boys: Micah and his dad took the boys up to the mountains on Friday for their lessons. Both of the boys had a great time and were exhausted when they got home. Asher informed me that if you don't listen at ski lessons the teachers make you clean toilets and he does NOT want to do that. He's seen me clean toilets and it doesn't look like fun. Sounds like his teachers are having a little fun messing with the kids. With the boys on the mountain a few of my girlfriends came over for a girl's night. It was really nice to chat it up with some good friends. On Saturday night, Micah, Asher, & Gray went to Monster Jams (for those that aren't familiar with Monster Jams it's the monster truck show and I'm sure the people watching was AMAZING). Asher had the time of his life! He's already such a little gear head and Micah couldn't be prouder. While the boys were geeking out over the huge air the Grave Digger was getting off the jumps, a really good friend came over to hang out with me so it was another fabulous evening for me as well. On Sunday, the boys played out in the snow (Gray stayed out even after it had gotten dark.) as soon as we got home from visiting the twins. They are loving the snow and want more. I'm hoping that we're not going to get too much more. It makes it more of a challenge to get in to see the twins and I would hate to go a day without seeing them.

And now for the baby update...
Both of the boys seem to dislike the nights. They seem to be at their worst over the night and do much better during the day. Hopefully, they'll turn that around and have good days and nights.

Skyler: had his PDA treatment and while the Dr. didn't think it was really working at first we got news yesterday that the treatment actually worked really well and the opening is smaller. They will monitor it to see if it will continue closing or if he will need another treatment. Overall, Sky is having a harder time right now. He isn't wanting to be touched or moved and is on small doses of morphine to try to keep him calm and comfortable. It's hard to see him so agitated. On Sunday during our visit I was talking to him and he opened his eye. (He was on his side so I couldn't see his other eye to see if both opened or not.) It was SO awesome!!! I got really excited and continued to talk to him and he looked at me again. The nurses said it was the first time he opened his eye and I feel so honored that he chose me for that special moment. Poor Micah was out of the room with the big boys and missed the whole thing.


Keller: is our big eater! He's now up to 16 cc every 3 hours. This is quite a jump and we couldn't be more thrilled! He's feeling a lot better and is moving around a lot more. He's giving the nurses a run for their money by pulling on wires and tubes. They are so happy that he is feeling better they don't mind the constant bells and buzzers. Kell is really working his eye brows and seems to want to open his eyes. I can't wait to see his little eyes, too! On Saturday, I got to change Keller's diaper for the first time. He was very cooperative and again I was thrilled to have to chance to do it. Remind me of that when I'm up to my ears in diaper changes when both boys are home.They are talking about removing his PICC line because he is doing so well right now and so it is not being used. Apparently, it is better to take it  out and have to replace it later than leave it in. Leaving it in increases the chances for infection.


Micah & Keller

Please continue to pray for our little guys...we still have many weeks ahead of us.

Lots of Love,

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