
Monday, January 30, 2012

Riding the vent

Hospital time is a little different than regular time....I was told that a decision would be made this afternoon about Sky's surgery and at 8 pm we found out that Sky will not being having surgery. The team at Children's feels that the risks for Sky far out weigh the benefits of the surgery. They did report that this is a dynamic situation so it can change at any time and so they will be keeping a close eye on Skyler. It's nice to know that so many wonderful doctors on his case. We asked the neonatologist what the next step is and he gave us a sad laugh and said the next step is to wait some more. So we're praying while we continue to wait. 

Our prayers for Sky tonight are for healing of his lungs, a sense of peace so he can rest without needing morphine, for his fighting spirit to fight with the doctors instead of against, for a good night tonight, and a good day tomorrow.

Keller has spent the day pretty tuckered out. He was "riding the vent" (that is the actual term the nurses use when they let the vent do all the work...I swear I didn't make this one up.) all morning and starting doing some breathing on his own in the afternoon. He breathes on his own for a little while, gets tired, rides the vent, then repeats. He's all snuggled in on his side with one arm draped over the side of the "horseshoe" (a horseshoe shaped pillow that they put around the babies to give them a sense of confinement and security) very casually. He looks so sweet and relaxed. I didn't take a picture because I don't want to disturb him. He needs his rest. 

Our prayers for him tonight are for continued rest, healing for his lungs, a good night, a good day tomorrow, and some Kangaroo Care soon.

Micah and I are going to head home now. It's been another exhausting day.

Thanks so much for all of your prayers!
Lots of Love,

1 comment:

  1. I really hope you don't mind but I copied (word for word) your prayer request onto my FB page. I really do believe in the power of prayer and the more prayers being lifted up the better. We continue to pray for all 6 of you.
