
Friday, January 11, 2013

Mama's Night Out

Last night I went to a Pinterest party with a holiday theme. Everyone that attended need to bring a project or craft that they did for the holidays (presumably something they found on pinterest). I bought two trees that I had made a friend's craft night back in Dec. They are super cute and easy to make! It was fun to see what everyone else had done and I came away with some ideas for next year. While I was enjoying my night out chatting it up with some awesome mommies poor Micah wasn't having such a fun time...
It was as if all three boys got together and said, "Mom's gone, let's give Daddy a really hard time tonight. We only have a short window until bedtime so we really need to go for it! Daddy worked a really long day today and has all week so he'll really appreciate our antics."
As soon as I walked out the door a little after 7 it was game on. Kell cried and was fussy the entire night. The big boys were beyond energetic and were practically bouncing off the walls when they weren't arguing. Bedtime was a joke and poor Micah was outnumbered.
I called a little after 10 to say I was on my way home only to find out that Micah was watching Chicka on the Sprout channel. Chicka is a bird puppet who communicates via kazoo noises. Apparently, Micah was desperate and turned on the channel to see if Kell would take any interest and stop fussing. He did so Micah watched. Poor Micah, not quite the fun boys night he thought he was going to have last night. At least one of us wasn't disappointed.
Fingers crossed my next night out isn't as tough on Micah as this one was.

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