
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Proud Momma!

This update is coming to you from a proud momma!

The official label for the boys is "Critically Stable". Both of the boys have a heart murmur called a 'PDA' which means that there is a passage way open in the heart. This opening is making the heart pump extra. The extra blood from the extra pumps is going to the lungs. Right now the boys are handling the blood just fine. At this point the neonatologists feel that the side effects out weigh the benefits from the treatment so they are just keeping a close eye on it for now.

Skyler: Over all had a good day yesterday. He's eating 4 cc every 3 hrs and is digesting his food very well. Sky had a head ultra sound at birth and then one Tuesday morning. Both ultra sounds showed some low grade blood in a fluid space in his brain. There has been no increase in blood and we're praying that this just heals itself. I got to change my first preemie diaper last night and I was SO excited! Skyler had a nice poo diaper for me. I never thought I would be so excited to change a poo diaper, but I really was! He knew I was rookie and was very helpful. After his diaper change I did what I call the comfort hold. The nurses actually call it the "confinement hold" because it confines their movement but I prefer comfort hold because it sounds nicer and it really calms them right down.

Sky getting his diaper changed

Comfort hold
Sky getting comfort hold after diaper change

Keller: Poor little guy didn't have as good of as day as his brother. Really, the past two days have been rough on him. He was on the CPAP machine but he wasn't really ready for that yet. Since he was born so early he still doesn't have a strong breathing reflex. As he matures the reflex will mature and breathing will become more natural. While he's back on a ventilator he's not requiring extra oxygen so he's breathing regular air which is a good thing. The switch from the CPAP to ventilator was good but tough for Keller. He was exhausted on Tuesday and I think that's why he was so off yesterday. Just as I was about to leave last night he started getting restless again so I did the comfort hold for about 45 minutes.  As soon I placed my hands on him he calmed right down. It was so special! It really made me feel like his mommy! Keller is eating 6 cc every 3 hrs and is also digesting his food very well. His daily intake is almost 2 oz. per day. 

Lots of Love,

1 comment:

  1. Those boys know their mommy and it's so neat to hear how they calm down in your presence.
