
Monday, February 13, 2012

Goodbye Sky

We had a small ceremony on Saturday were our entire family went on a 1 mile hike to an old railroad trestle that Shelly and I used to hike to when Grayson was a baby.  It is a beautiful location with a creek that leads to the Snoqualmie River.  My cousin Steve shared some words out of the Bible and said a prayer before we let Skyler’s ashes fall from trestle to the creek below. It was a very special moment for the entire family and everyone tossed in flowers to say goodbye to Skyler.  It was a sad day but I think everyone felt God’s presence and was happy to know Skyler was no longer in pain; that he was safe in Heaven.

After the ceremony we went to our friend’s house for a little get together with a few close friends and family.  It was amazing to see how many people love our family and little Skyler even though most of them had never met him.  We are truly grateful for all our friends and family who have loved, supported and prayed for us.  This has been a difficult time for us but without all of you I don’t know how we would have made it through. 

Years ago we had Grayson and Asher dedicated at our church.  In part of the dedication process the pastor asked the church congregation if they will love and help raise our boys in a community that loves God.  The whole church, along with members of our family, said “We will”.  Keller and Skyler were never officially dedicated in front of a church but all of you have showed great love combined with great prayer for my boys and I am forever thankful to you.

Thank you


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